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Discover Market Dynamics, Potential and Risks

Creating a solid insight and knowledge platform for strategy development


Typical reasons for challenges

  • Challenges in connecting external and internal data
  • Challenges in making current status analysis
  • Dififculties in defining pareto levers - what are the key things to concentrate on
  • Unclear about how to discover Key objectives and connect them with Key Results. Need for clarity and priorization
  • Too much data and tools to make sense of it
  • The data we have doesn't give enough direction and answers


How can we help?

Great gap between how management sees the markets and the operating environment compared to operational people. Closing the gap is imperative

Connecting Topsight & Streetview

When engaging in discovery for Strategy, macroeconomics, trends and megatrends are often instrumental. You need to step back and see the bigger picture. The challenge is, that there can be a gap between strategic vision and operational steering.

Our bottom-up approach builds macro level insights from existing customer relationships and evidence by aggregating good performance potential to less successful customer relationships and customer acquisition targets. We help you discover growth insights for strategy work and create a bridge between topsight goals and Street View tactics and operations. 

Discover where your potential is - Prioritize Strategic Direction

Different business sectors and industries represent very different types of potential and opportunities. In some industries you can serve customers with large variety of services, and in others with just one or two. Defining where the growth is available and accessible is an imperative foundation for strategy design. This analysis gives you broad view towards question: "Where's the money?"

Monetary potential is one thing, the next is about timing. What market changes represent risks and opportunities to us? Are your target customers non-compliant, on addressable, obtainable of active markets. Learn more here


180ops growth planning
180 OPS Addressable, obtainable and active markets


How to prioritize by speed to money? Discovering Friction

In both customer industries and offerings there is a great variation in demand. We need to understand market conditions that we are addressing. Active market is the easy part, because these customers are asking RFIs and RFPs and can be recognized from analytics. The hard part is to make a difference between markets that are out of our reach, addressable market that doesn't have the product fit and only consume resources. Or, to discover that we can innovate something that moves customers from Addressable market to Obtainable markets and by doing so expand the size of potential growth and market share victories. The value of this analysis is strongly dependent on outside-in data and insights

Customers in Obtainable Markets have the product fit, but they are not actively looking for answers. How we catch their attention, get them to pay attention and start considering is a path to growth and market share. This is powerful insight for the 3-5 year strategy period outline and foundation for eg. OKR development.


Discover how to segment customers by value & prospects

Our standard approach is to create a segmentation based on current value (Annual Revenue Per Account = billing/year) and growth potential. This will help you recognize Farming customers, which have no growth potential as well as strategic, Growth and priority new customer acquisition targets. The customer typology is an invaluable source of insights for strategy design, account development and customer care model design. Note! This map wil look very different in industry and business sectors. Some might be driven by large corporations with millions in potential and others could reprsent SME's that require different approach to channels and resources.

Learn more here

Combining past importance and future prospects of customer value for segmentation and resource allocation
180ops offering analysis


Discovering opportunities from Offering Portfolio

When companies have grown organically and with M&A they have also developed new offerings and offerings may have very different position in their offering life cycle. Some might work on saturated and declining markets and others in growth markets. 

When we are analyzing history with time series analysis and aggregating potential by offering, we are likely to discover offerings that have been in the sidelines of strategy, but hold very tempting prospects. By segmenting customers, we will be able to recognize growth potential with bottom-up and outside-in perspective. This is great for strategic story telling, creation of solutions from existing portfolio and recognition of competitive advantages.

Need based segmentation is a tool for discovery for use cases and growth potential. These use cases and strategic segments offer great platform for creation of objectives and defining Key Results to go after. This type of data also gives very clear advice for activity and value proposition development, Customer Journey Design and Customer Lifecycle planning.  It builds a shared platform for offering, marketing, customer facing organization and management.


Discover synergies and narrative/competitive advantage

Your current customer relationships are a source on insights and innovation. The usual situation is that, certain offerings dominate in turnover, but when looked in more detail there are actually small number of customers who have stronger penetration and use multiple offering areas... and dominate in total revenue (The right side of bottom picture). With 180 Flip in perspective the billing history start telling a story about strategically important dynamics.

These customers are already there, this insight comes from own data, it is a fact and evidence for growth opportunity. Majority of customers only use 1-3 offerings, but those using 10 or more represent completely different level of annual billing/account. These customers have a reason to do what they do and they get benefit from doing so. You have means to do customer success story from new innovation. There is a story that should be told to the vast majority of customers. This will drive brand positioning and story development, what does it mean for a customer to collaborate with us in deeper collaboration.

180ops penetration and size


Current State. Status and Risks, instantly

Bottom-up is about understanding where we stand, what are the customer developments that show in Turnover and other financial measures. Our approach is to concentrate on what is happening with customers and markets, which is an approach that offers shared view to what is happening. This view has to power to unite people, give purpose and empower them. Having a shared narrative and transparency is a must for strategic story telling. With our help, it is easy.

180ops dashboard_KPI_Trends

How we can help you succeed?

  • Fast and low effort

    Quick start with data dumps. Low datamaturity requirements. Easy to use for sales and Contact Center

  • Bottom-up

    Facts and evidence based approach. Concentrate on what is happening with customers and markets

  • Outside-in

    Capability to analyze markets by industry segments and by offerings. Readiness and Risk tools help you discover drivers of risk and opportunities

  • Purpose and Unity

    Shared and common tools to collaborate and succeed together. This approach brings people together and unite them with shared perspective and objectives

  • Measure what matters

    We all speak one language, money. Everything is analyzed in monetary perspective to steer attention 

  • Direct link between strategy and deployment

    Our platform help you define strategy and connect it directly to implementation. Tools for discovery, measurement and customer facing organisation

Book a demo, intro & sparring

Let's have a discussion. We can show you the demo and would love to discuss about your challenges and how we could possibly help you.