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180 Perspective Change Blog

180 Perspective change is about Customer & Market Centric perspective. In most dashboards and analytics tools the primary focus is on some internal object like business unit, sales team, channel, offering, etc. This is a major root cause for Blind spots and biased decisions in management.

Our focus is on Customers and Markets, understanding how to adapt to customers' needs and situations, optimize up- and cross-sales, new customer acquisition and retention. The primary focus is on Opportunities & Risks in the markets - Company's role is to adapt and make most of them! Our brand is about outside-in, bottom-up intelligence and taking those insights to operations. Hence, 180ops. Enjoy, follow and share :)


Magnifying Glass on Top of Document

Understanding customer success can help improve how customers use your product.

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Woman Holding Macbook

Customer success helps customers succeed with products or services they buy. It’s different from cus...

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Woman Wearing Gray Blazer Writing on Dry-erase Board

Many SaaS companies lose out on big profits from existing customers. They focus too much on new sale...

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Women and Man on Sofa

Customer Success can affect a business's relationship with its customers. This guide shows how to ke...

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Employees Gathered on a Conference Room

Does your business struggle to keep customers happy and reduce support tickets? A formal Customer Su...

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Photo Of People Doing Handshakes

Imagine buying a toy and not knowing how to play with it. Customer success steps in to help you enjo...

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Person Holding White Tablet Computer

To thrive as a Customer Success Manager (CSM), mastering a mix of skills is important. From empathy ...

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Three Woman Sitting on White Chair in Front of Table

Customer Success Roles: Important Positions on Your Team

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Woman in Orange Blazer Gets the Job

A Customer Success Manager (CSM) helps companies keep their customers happy and ensures they use pro...

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Person Pointing Paper Line Graph

Measuring how well a company meets customer needs is important for business growth.

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